
We’re so grateful that you would consider partnering with us. Your contribution will plant a seed in countless lives. You can donate by:

  • Texting ”Give” to (833) 268-6540
Available commands and keywords are listed here.

Mobile App – Search for Oasis International Ministries using Zip Code 74953

  • Entering your payment information below:

Available Text Commands and Keywords are:

Text EDIT to modify billing information.

Text GIVE and a number (e.g. GIVE 25) to give the specified amount to our general funds. To give to a specific designation, include a designation keyword after the number (e.g. GIVE 25 AFRICA). Designations are:

  • General
  • Dues
  • Tithes
  • AfricaDesignate funds towards building a church
  • MissionsDesignate funds towards supporting a missions team member

If you do not have an account set up, you will be given a link to complete registration.

Text REFUND to request a refund for the last amount given.